Voters say ‘NO!’ to California’s Proposition 4

Following the lead of South Dakota and Colorado, California voters failed anti-choice Proposition 4, a law that would require doctors to notify a minor’s parents 48 hours before performing an abortion.

While we all agree that abortion is something that a family should discuss, particularly when it involves teens, I think we can also all agree that the notification law would have led teens who have chosen abortion and – for whatever reason – cannot discuss it with their parents to resort to extreme measures: in this case, back-alley and kitchen-table abortions.  A Yes on Proposition 4 would have been a Yes to Dangerous Illegal Abortion Among Teens.

But like South Dakota and Colorado, anti-choice legislators in California do not intend to give up:  this is already the third anti-choice ballot measure in the state since 2005.  There will be more.  We need to continue to work to have our voices heard and to protect our right to choose!

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