NARAL’s support helped President Obama

Okay, so it could be just a coincidence…

  • NARAL Pro-Choice volunteers contacted over 290,000 households to make them aware of Senator McCain’s abysmal voting record on women’s rights.
  • Obama prevailed in all eight battleground states where NARAL contacted voters on his behalf.
  • I wore my lucky blue voting socks and didn’t wash my hair.

Say it with me one more time:  President Obama.  Pres-i-dent O-ba-ma.  Mmmmm.

Voters say ‘NO!’ to California’s Proposition 4

Following the lead of South Dakota and Colorado, California voters failed anti-choice Proposition 4, a law that would require doctors to notify a minor’s parents 48 hours before performing an abortion.

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Condoleezza Rice “revels” in Obama victory


An emotional Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reveled Wednesday in Barack Obama’s election, calling it an “extraordinary step forward” for the nation.

A child of the segregated deep South who became the highest-ranking African-American woman ever in American government and was once considered a potential Republican presidential nominee, Rice called the Democratic president-elect “inspirational” and said his victory was proof of America’s promise.

“This was an exercise in American democracy of which Americans across the political spectrum are justifiably proud,” she said.

It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny.

Jean Nidetch

Oh, Flathead.

I’m actively ignoring the election results from the Flathead Valley.  I suggest you all do the same.  I find that a bottle of good wine helps.  (And when I say a bottle, I mean a bottle.)

We have a long, long row to hoe.

International reaction

Barack supporters in Obama, Japan

Barack supporters in Obama, Japan

From The Economist:

It is a remarkable, and historic, achievement.

From the BBC:

…the result [will] have a profound impact on the US.

From Al Jazeera:

I think through divine intervention, good luck or whatever, Obama has it wrapped up.  We can go to sleep now and wake up on Nov. 5 to a President Obama in the Oval Office!  I have not illusions about Obama but I’m sure he will at least be less belligerent and that itself will undo some of the mess the Bush administration has created in the past eight years…

Continue reading

Congratulations, President Obama!


I’ve never been so emotionally invested in an election in my life. We’ve all worked hard for this, and here it is. Thank you, America!

(And an exceptional concession speech from John McCain. It was a hard-fought battle, and all parties should be commended for their efforts. In light of the values of our new country (!), let’s put aside our differences and work together to make this country the wonderful place we know it can be.)

UPDATE: I woke up this morning and Obama is still the President-Elect. We have more winners as of 7:20 a.m. (we think, hope, etc., with 98% of precincts reporting)! Congratulations:

  • Senator Max Baucus
  • Governor Brian Schweitzer and Lt. Governor John Bohlinger
  • Secretary of State Linda McCulloch
  • Attorney General Steve Bullock
  • State Auditor Monica Lindeen
  • Superintendent Denise Juneau
  • Supreme Court Justice Patricia Cotter
  • Representative Mike Jopek
  • Representative Cheryl Steenson (won by 22 votes!)
  • Chief Justice Mike McGrath

It’s been a hard race – and for those of you who didn’t prevail this time around: Don’t give up the ship!

Nate Silver, you are my hero

natesilver1Nate at, the new wunderkind of pollsters (that’s him to the left), has called the election for Obama, with the following statement:


I’m inclined to agree.

Cheers, America, and congratulations.  You’ve redeemed yourself in my eyes.  Now let’s get out the rubber gloves and the garbage bags and pick this mess up.

Oh, and big sloppy kisses your way, Nate.  You made my night.

Two points for Pro-Choice

Measure 11 in South Dakota has been defeated, as has Colorado’s Definition of a Person Amendment.  Huge steps in these states for the pro-choice movement.  Thank you to all the voters and members and donors who made it possible to defeat these measures!

Our day is over in Montana
